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Helping Kids Through A Divorce

As a single mom of three kids, I know money can be tight and I always Do It Yourself (DIY) before purchasing. So I added links to those projects if I could find them. You can also use these ideas for yourself ad remember if you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of your children. A burnout exhausted mom/dad is no fun. Aromatherapy is a great way to help relax. When my children would come home from the other parent they were wild. I had to let them sit in front of the television and watch movies until bedtime, just to get them to calm down. Now, I would have filled the entire house before they came home with lavender or vanilla . Bother of these scents are great for calming. I purchased one of those hearts that when you snap a metal tab it would heat up and turn to liquid. To get it back to a liquid state and to reuse you would boil it. My children loved when I put an oil on their back and then rubbed it with this heated object. My heart kept disappearing and I w...
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Whose On The Sex Offender List Other Than Sex Offenders

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Your Lawyer Will Not Return Your Calls.

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123 Magic Works On Manipulative Adults

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More Mail From Family Court

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Mothers Leaving An Abusive Relationships Are In Shock

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