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123 Magic Works On Manipulative Adults

When children are hard to parent, you start looking for ways to help deal with the behavior.

123 Magic is a positive parenting program that takes the emotions out of the situation. The program has been around for a good 30 years. There are all kinds of videos and there is even a PDF to explain the quick version. 

Manipulative adults tend to be emotional and try to get you to “step past your boundaries.

Maybe 123 Magic helps with manipulative adults so well because it takes the emotion out of the situation that is going on. A mother who used 123 Magic with her children, stated she used the technique on her former spouse in the divorce process.

One mother provided an example of how she used 123 Magic in family court.

“My former spouse and I went to the friend of the court for a meeting. We sat at a round table with the case manager. My former spouse sat across the table from me. When he became abusive in is language, I looked at him and stated we were no longer married and I did not have to take his verbal abuse. The next time he was disrespectful I said, “That’s one.” Yes, he gave me a dirty look. Believe it or not, but he did it again. I said, “That’s Two.” He just looked at the table. He knew when I got to three I was leaving. He did not take me there, and we got accomplished what the caseworker wanted.”

Manipulative adults want a reaction!

When someone becomes verbally or mentally abusive, they try to get a reaction from you. Just like the former spouse in the scenario above. They do not care if you are crying, laughing, or (shut up) go off stamping your feet. The former spouse was trying to use the contact to frustrate and upset the mother and make her look crazy in front of the caseworker. If you do not react and show them the emotion they are trying to get out of you, you stop their abusive behavior and the ability to get you upset.

Could 123 Magic be the next program used by domestic violence coaches?

At Strategize Divorce Coaching we have coaches with over 10 years of experience being in the family court system. Strategize Divorce Coaching help parents strategize their case when dealing with custody, child support, abusive partner, psychological evaluations, behavioral health issues, and even using 123 Magic on a manipulative partner.

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