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Teachers Silent About Child Suicide In Family Court Cases

A teacher messaged a divorce coach and stated, “Unless you are a teacher in _____, you would not know about the suicide by children caused by the family court.”

Teachers who have children in their classroom and know of parents custody battle see the other parent obtain custody and then they hear of that child committing suicide. No one else is close to children that they could mentally track this happening.

A mother's children went to a charter school when she went through a divorce. The parents did ride share with the neighbor. The neighbor eventually had to come to the mother to let her know that when it was the former spouses time to get the kids, he was not picking up her kids per the agreement everyone had.

He would not get the children from school and would never notify her he was not getting the children. He would also go see the children at lunch and tell them he was going to get them after school and to not go with the rideshare mom. The school was getting very upset with this mom for not getting the kids and having to contact her several times to come and get the kids.

The father called and had friends call Child Protective Services (CPS) over 41 times on this mother. He tried to get the school in the middle of what was going on and make her look like a bad mother.

Wel, it all backfired on him one day when he picked up the children and did not notify this mother. It was not the father's scheduled day to pick up the children from school and when she called his phone he did not answer. She went to the office and asked them where her children were. She explained it was not dads day to get the children and he was not answering his phone so she asked, "Where are my kids?" The school staff flipped out and started making calls. To have a child taken from a school and the school staff not be aware could get them in some very hot water and a media mess.

After that day the school was singing another tune. They told this mother that unless she called and gave the ok for the dad get the children, they would not release the children to him anymore. This really made him mad, but he did it to himself.

Abusive parents like this dad are gaining custody of the children, just as he did. 

This mom went to the new school, after dad got custody, to talk about a mix up between child’s social security number of her child and another child. The staff stated how the father came to the school and was rude to the staff. The staff stated, “We knew it was a matter of time before he showed his true colors.”

You see children are being sold to abusive parents in the family court system. Guardian Ad Litems (GAL) who are for the best interest of children are not always in the best interest of children, but their pockets. No one likes to live in abuse and these children are so miserable they chose to commit suicide. They see no way out and the loving parent can’t help them, so they choose to commit suicide. Some children are “saved” and end up in a mental facility. Used And Abused Now Love is trying to bring awareness to this happening and to help these mother.

As a former employee of a level 4 and 3 facilities, I can tell you that children will pick up even more bad habits in those facilities. Those facilities are filled with violence and children are drugged. These children are given counseling once a week. If you are in a mental facility, would you think a child would receive more therapy than just once a week?

It’s time we start talking with our teachers who know of way more about what is going on in family court than most.

To learn more about divorce and divorce coaches or to talk with a counselor who has worked in behavioral health facilities go to Strategize Divorce Coaching.

Mothers Leaving An Abusive Relationship Are In Shock
Helping Kids Through A Divorce
Shared Custody


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