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More Mail From Family Court

Mail at least once every month or more from the courts is not unusual. 
Parents have multiple boxes full f documents. Some family court cases go on for 18 years plus. Parents who have spent more than $50,000 in lawyer's fees, and been through several lawyers, have lots of paperwork.

These parents are beyond stressed out. 
These parents trusted legal counsel and with each new counsel provided the paperwork of the case. So many parents feel defeated and find it hard to continue fighting for their children. The mail from the family court, the friend of the court, and special agencies is never-ending. People are traumatized by family court and believe it or not, the mail as well. Imagine getting mail every month or more for 18 years form family court? If you're feeling defeated by mountains of papers, mail, or forms here are tips on what to focus on first.

Pick a time when you can really focus on what you are doing with little distractions. 
If you spread out the task over a few days, leave yourself a note where you left off. While going through each document place them in a pile. Make sure to set the trash can nearby to throw away anything not needed. Here are some ideas for piles:  

Motions/Hearings                     Order After Hearings
Medical Expenses                     Birth Records
Child Support Payments           Lawyer Fees
Psychological Evaluation         Contracts
Taxes                                         Pension Plans
Deeds                                        Real Estate
Manuscript                                Transcripts

Answers to interrogatories
Responses to documents
Deposition transcripts

A filing system is a good idea. Some parents have a key or table of contents. They list what is in each folder. Some hole punch and put in a binder by chronical order or by date. (Don’t forget to print anything you type up and submitted to the courts.) Here is a list of some folders to create. Make sure each year is separated and filed in the same way as previous years. They call this unified file organization.  Colors and number are a great tool to use to file as well.

Stress-free and easy to find. You organize so when you need the paperwork, it’s easy to find and saves time. When moving a document, put a small sticky note on the papers in front of where the papers you are removing. Put what document goes back in that spot. This makes putting the documents away easy.  


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