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Resource Guide For Mothers

Moms In Family Court
Need To Know About These Businesses

We have researched and gathered information about businesses that can help you and your family with the issues that are created by the family court. Thinking about divorce or been in the system for years, our Resource Guide can help you find the help you have been looking for.

Parents who have been in the family court system have created businesses to help others going through what they went through. For example, a mother became a divorce coach and will help you strategize your case. She has four-week courses to help you represent yourself in family court. She has created other business and even a holiday. She was in the family court system for 18 years and is a wealth of information from advocating, to be a pro se litigant, to researching and investigating.
There are parents who will teach you how to use the internet to find information about the opposing party. Business to help you with shared custody, dealing with an abusive partner, and how to help your children with divorce.

Get the Resource Guide for Mothers today for $9.99. Add to Cart


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